Offers for Prospective Students

University Library & Study Spaces

Did you know that you can use the university library to study? Completely free of charge! Find out about your Study Spaces in Salzburg now!

Mentoring Program "Sprungbrett"

You’re not sure whether studying at university is the right thing for you? You don’t yet know what and where you want to study? PLUSTRACK also offers support for pupils.

PLUSTRACK not only supports students and teachers, but also aims to increase educational equality even before entering university and to offer information and measures for pupils and teachers so that as many pupils as possible have the confidence to go to university.

For Prospective Students:

  • Mentoring as a stepping stone: For all students between 12 and 16: Become part of our mentoring project and get a mentor (student teacher) who will accompany you for a school year and help you find out more about yourself and what you might want to become/study. Assignment is based on affinity and similar interests. You will spend an afternoon together about twice a month, exchange ideas, go on excursions together and learn from each other! Does that sound exciting? You can find more information here!
  • Find information about studying: For all students who want to find out more about studying at the University of Salzburg: To help you find all the important information about studying at PLUS, you can use the PLUSTRACK help finder: Try it out right here!
  • Stay up to date: Follow us on Instagram!

For Teachers


Are you interested in the “Sprungbrett” mentoring project or would you like to suggest students as mentees? Then please get in touch with us!

(Contact: )

Training for teachers on the topic of educational equality:

In cooperation with the University of Education, we offer training courses on the topic of educational equality. There are currently no new dates planned. If there is any news, you will be informed here on this page.