What is Coaching?

“My studies are getting on top of me! I need better time management!”

You have probably often tried to change yourself or your situation and set yourself corresponding goals. However, setting goals is not always enough to actually change something. Coaching helps you to achieve self-defined goals more quickly. Coaching guides and stimulates the process of change from a current ACTUAL state to a desired TARGET state.

The aim is not to give you the “right” path, but to support you in your own results-oriented problem and self-reflection. The coach uses solution- and resource-oriented questioning techniques and exercises and accompanies the goal-oriented process.

In the confidential and protected framework of coaching, you can openly reflect on your wishes, personal motives and goals, as well as your fears, difficulties and conflicts with a coach.

Coaching at PLUS - who is behind it?

The University of Salzburg is one of the few universities in the German-speaking world to conduct systematic research into coaching. The aim is to research the effectiveness of coaching and to optimize the use of coaching in practice through empirical findings.

This knowledge is passed on from the university to students as part of coaching training. Through close links with research, this coaching training is continuously developed and evaluated.

Since 2010, psychology students on the “Social Interaction” master’s specialization have had the opportunity to complete career coaching training certified by the Coaching and Counselling Centre Regensburg. The theoretical and practical training aims to ensure the transfer of theoretical knowledge for coaching practice, quality assurance in practical coaching processes and the development of coaching skills.

Frequent topics in career coaching are

  • Setting, pursuing and achieving goals
  • Time and self-management
  • Reconciling professional and private goals
  • Analyzing strengths and weaknesses, working with personal resources
  • Ability to deal with conflict and criticism, communication
  • Preparation for career entry or a new position
  • Presenting your own personality in application situations